After years of public pressure, GSK and Pfizer finally agreed to lower the price of their pneumonia vaccines for humanitarian organisations in October and November 2016, respectively. In May 2017, MSF, WHO, UNICEF and Save the Children established a Humanitarian Mechanism for vaccinating in emergencies (Accessing Affordable and Timely Supply of Vaccines for use in Humanitarian Emergencies: the Humanitarian Mechanism). Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) are the first vaccines to be included in this Humanitarian Mechanism.
MSF signed bilateral supply agreements with Pfizer and GSK in July 2017 for their pneumonia vaccines. MSF is now purchasing pneumonia vaccines from Pfizer and GSK under the terms of the Humanitarian Mechanism and within the scope of our purchase agreements with both companies. In 2017, we vaccinated children in Central African Republic, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan and Syria, helping to protect them from life-threatening pneumonia.