July 2017 update

After years of public pressure, GSK and Pfizer finally agreed to lower the price of their pneumonia vaccines for humanitarian organisations in October and November 2016, respectively. In May 2017, MSF, WHO, UNICEF and Save the Children established a Humanitarian Mechanism for vaccinating in emergencies (Accessing Affordable and Timely Supply of Vaccines for use in Humanitarian Emergencies: the Humanitarian Mechanism). Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) are the first vaccines to be included in this Humanitarian Mechanism.

MSF signed bilateral supply agreements with Pfizer and GSK in July 2017 for their pneumonia vaccines. MSF is now purchasing pneumonia vaccines from Pfizer and GSK under the terms of the Humanitarian Mechanism and within the scope of our purchase agreements with both companies. In 2017, we vaccinated children in Central African Republic, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan and Syria, helping to protect them from life-threatening pneumonia.

Vax_CAR_Measles_MagaliDeppen_2015_MSF152051 Photograph by Magali Deppen

A Fair Shot

Thank you for helping us raise the pressure and  #AskPharma to lower the price of the pneumonia vaccine! Over 416,272 peoplefrom 170 countries signed our petition, which was handed to Pfizer and GSK in New York, London, and Madrid.

On April 27, 2016, we carried your voices to Pfizer Headquarters, and they accepted our petition. Thanks to your actions agreements are now in place with Pfizer and GSK for humanitarian organizations like MSF to obtain lowest global price for PCV, around US$9 per child (for all three doses).

This campaign is not over, we are still asking Pfizer and GSK to lower the prices of the vaccine to $5 per child for all developing countries.

Photograph by Magali Deppen

Give All Children A Fair Shot

Join us in demanding a lower price
for pneumonia vaccine, and help save nearly
1 million children every year!